2010年3月5日 星期五

" MIXNUT " a must-know collection launched

MIXNUT is desgined by female designer Minou, specifically for women of the new generation.

Minou thinks that the seemly contradictory sweetness and courage represent the
spirits of women of the new generation.

They possess not only femininity but also a courageous heart. Although they may
still be confused for reasons about relation-ship, friendship, study, work, figure
and their future, they are determined to pursue their individual styles and their
ways of being. Girls are not vulnerable; being passionate and aggressive are no
longer men’s qualities. Girls can also be at a high game. These are the spirits of
Mixnut girls.

Mix means ‘to combine’, representing a mix of multifold qualities. Like nuts,
the hard shell is difficult to crack but inside, the fruit is addictive. Nut therefore
also means addiction.

Mix is also a breed of cats, referring to the mixed-breed cats. Women are like
cats; they can be dependent and vulnerable, but they can also be independent
and brave. At home, they are quiet and gentle. In the wild, they can be tough
hunters. Mixcats are not the pure breed; instead, they are strong-willed. Even
with the possibility of being disappointed, regrettable, and frustrated with life,
they would never give up hopes.

The spirit of MIXNUT is therefore being sweet and courageous, representing the independence and sensitivity of women of the new generation to create a brave
new world.

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 本 著作 係採用創用 CC 姓名標示-非商業性-禁止改作 3.0 台灣 授權條款授權.


